Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How Long Dynamic Tension To Work Dynamics Of Circular Motion?

Dynamics of circular motion? - how long dynamic tension to work

100g ball chain 60 cm long to open a vertical circle around a point 200 cm above the ground. The string breaks suddenly when parallel to the ground and the ball moves upward. The ball reaches a height of 600cm above the ground. What was the tension of the rope to the moment before it breaks?


resurrec... said...

You must first establish the initial velocity of the ball when the string. Use the following equation for - Vo ^ 2 =- xf 2g (-xi)

Vo = 8.854 m / s

Now use the formula of circular motion - Ac = V ^ 2 / r

and Ac = 130.67 m / s ^ 2

F = m * AC = 130.67 kg * 1 m / s ^ 2 = 13067 N

The tractive force is equal to the centripetal force N = 13,067

Helmut said...

0 - v ^ 2 =- 2AS = -2 (980 cm / s ^ 2) (400 cm)
F = (mv ^ 2) / r = 2 (100 g) (980 cm / s ^ 2) (400 cm) / (60 cm)
Dyn = 1306667 F = 13,067 N

Spadesbo... said...

What is the elasticity of the rope?

BbA said...

4 NM

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